DDoS protection
DDoS means distributed denial of service and this product protects against these kinds of attacks. DDoS protection filters incoming traffic, blocking DDoS traffic while legimate requests flow through.
DDoS protection automatically blocks all assaults, typically in 1 second or less, and does not require that you notify us that you are under attack.
What are DDoS attacks and why are they so dangerous?
DDoS represents a significant threat to business continuity. As organizations have grown more dependent on the Internet and web-based applications and services (SaaS), availability has become as essential as breathing.
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic. DDoS attacks achieve effectiveness by utilizing multiple compromised computer systems as sources of attack traffic. Exploited machines can include computers and other networked resources such as IoT devices, kiosks, ATM’s etc. Exploited machine groups are called botnets.
How does ASC-HS DDoS Protection service help You?
Our Protection Service can provide significant protection from DDoS attacks for your SaaS aplication. Our service is easy and fast to implement and does not require any on-site hardware of software, we take care of it all remotely.
The protection stops attacks at the entry point towards the Cloud providers network, screens out the bogus traffic, while your legitimate users maintain access to your Archibus application.
DDoS protection provides comprehensive protection against a variety of DDoS threats such as Brute force attacks, spoofing, zero-day DDoS attacks, etc.
Archibus Solution Centre Hosting Services OU
Valukoja 8 – 8 and 13. floor, B-lift
11415 Tallinn – Estonia – EU